Hello! I'm Aayush, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my corner of Medium. Allow me to introduce myself and share a glimpse of what you can expect from my articles.

I'm a passionate about chemistry, biology and pharmacology enthusiast with a deep love for quantum and cosmic biology. I've been exploring this fascinating world for X years, and I've learned some incredible insights along the way.

In my articles, you can expect to find a blend of science, education, health, sexuality, biology, pharmaceuticals, physics, chemistry content. Whether it's insightful pharmaceutical and technology trends, practical experiment tips, or thought-provoking research and review discussions, I strive to provide value and engage with my readers.

My motivation for writing stems from a lifelong curiosity about the world and a desire to share the knowledge I've acquired. I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and by sharing what we know, we can empower others to grow and explore, and I hope to inspire, educate, and entertain through my words.

I'm always eager to connect with fellow Healthcare enthusiasts, so please feel free to follow me here on Medium, and you can also find me on Facebook [ a.a.y.u.s.h.O.O.9.1 ], Instagram [ a.a.y.u.s.h ] and LinkedIn [ aayush0091 ] for more Healthcare insights and discussions.

Join me on this exciting journey through the world of Healthcare and Technology. Together, we'll explore, learn, and grow. If you ever have any questions, feedback, or ideas for future articles, don't hesitate to reach out—I love hearing from my readers.

Thank you for visiting my Medium page, and I look forward to sharing knowledge and stories with you!

Aayush Raj Dubey

Aayush Raj Dubey

Clinical Pharmacist | Actively engaged in pharmacy internships & hospital rotations | Actively engaged in pharmaceutical conferences and scientific symposiums !